Geekin' Out

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Did you know...

Did you know that the first webcam was pointed at a coffeepot so the employees could know when the coffee was done? And that some people actually refer to themselves as Cyborgs and have wearable computers? True story. Read "Smart Mobs" its interesting. And answers Microsoft interview questions if you'd only read them a few days earlier.

I study better when someone else is in the room... cause I feel bad for talking incessantly. Or procrastinating. Because they can tell, then, that I'm procrastinating. If only I'd learned how to not procrastinate earlier. With less caffeine.

I can not wait for this semester to be over. Anytime now.

Tomorrow night is going to be fun - cooking for 20 people for Friday as well as baking for cookies to sell at the concert. The concert is going to rock my socks off, but I'm glad the planning will be over.

Research and speaking in front of people amuses me. Endlessly. The research group is amazingly critical - they're going to ask you questions until your work turns out well, and make sure that you've read everything they've read that might be relevant. But really, don't pitch ideas to other people for an hour if you a) don't know what you're trying to find b) how you're going to find it c) how it *might* be better than what's already been done or d) how you're going to test it. If you haven't thought through more scenarios than you're planning on presenting, you're probably going to look like you planned it 5 minutes before. The group being critical is a good thing.

As for public speaking... don't apologize every 3 words. Actually, don't apologize unless you miss speak or don't understand someone's questions. And don't say anything when people are asking questions until they actually finish asking questions. Man. Maybe academia is too obnoxious for me. Some people get too caught up in the theory and in cool ideas to actually stop and think about WHY they are doing things. Or you could just do art. Yeaaaah.


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