Why Being an Engineer Rocks
Sunah: k, leaving grainger
Sunah: I might get nerd cooties
Pete: Did you go see the movie yet?
Lauren: hmm? no, leaving in like an hour
Lauren: i'm at work right now
Lauren: haha popcorn still sounds good, if thats what you're asking
Pete: Oh, okay
Lauren: i dont hate myself yet
Pete: Oh no, popcorn will sound good right up until you're hugging your stomach at night and moaning and groaning about it
Pete: But when that happens, just think about everything that you can mix with gravy. Trust me. It'll make you feel better
1. Talking your way into getting 11 points back on a test
2. Thinking all other tests are easy. Because, lets be honest, engineering teaches you how to take tests and solve problems. I'm not saying other majors and other tests aren't hard, just relatively its less of a bother.
3. Clean women's restrooms
Ugh. What am I going to do with my life? Teach for America, Industry, Academia? UGGGGH.
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