Alrighty this should be a quick post because otherwise Megan K will hunt me down for not taking care of myself. I started running a fever tonight at SF training, so that's no good.
I had people over for dinner on Thursday, which was amazing. I need more time to host dinner parties, it was a lot of fun. Though I still need to do the dishes from that (and get my life together enough to clean my room at least a bit).
Friday was fun, basically went to Happy hour at 5 and played games to two movies (Chronicles of Riddick and Slither) which was fun and then just generally hung out. The majority of the day Saturday was spent rock climbing in Bloomington and attending the Watery Domestic show at the Iron Post, which was pretty sweet. Today was about 10 hours of meetings, but this week doesn't look too stressful so that's a start.
Time to sleep, so I don't get sicker. The future is scary, though, and I don't even want to think about it. Except Trivia Night on Wednesday and how awesome that is going to be.
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