Geekin' Out

Monday, September 18, 2006

Stream o' Consciousness

1) Its funny how some days that you expect to be terrible turn out not to be so terrible
2) I LOVE fall. And hoodies. And how much of a nerd I am.
3) Hoodies are an American concept
4) PEC rocks my life. It'd be cool to do a PEC inspired thing on the video walls at Siebel (but what would that be?). It's really amazing how much just asking "How are you" to a Cashier and Meijer changes how they approach the next people in line. Positive Event Chains are real, people.
5) I am absolutely incapable of getting any work done.
6) I need to take more pictures. I need more things to take pictures of (or more time to find the cool photo subjects, or time to stop and take the pictures, at least). I should find my SLR camera thats around here somewhere, I have a feeling there's about half a roll of film in it, which developing will be a huge surprise since I don't know the last time I used the camera.
7) I remember talking to a German girl about the work force, and how in the US you're just expected to be happy, or at least pleasant, most of the time. It makes working much more tolerable in general. Apparently a lot of other cultures really bring their emotions to work with them, which is an interesting concept, because its not something we realize we do (or don't do). Though it is pretty common to get a facade of "Everything is fine, just fine". I imagine everyone has had the conversation "Hey, how's it going?" "Fine, you?" And then you think to yourself everything is NOT fine I'm having a really shitty day, why did I just say that everything was fine? I usually correct myself on that, and get a bit of a laugh out of it... but then again, when I ask people how they're doing, I actually want to know, not just as a common courtesy or social expectation. It's unfortunate that if you ask someone "What's up" a head nod or "nm" is an acceptable answer, kind of taints it for those of us who actually want to know more detail. Hmmm.

Back to work...


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