Shit Pit
J’habite dans une putain bordel de merde. Vraiment. Et j’ai perdu l’abilité d’écrire en français. C’est difficile maintenant. Je pense que c’est que j’ai pas parlé en français depuis 18 mois, quoi.
Mmmm. It'd be nice if things would just slow down a bit. I have a feeling I won't even notice when I hear back from my interviews in the next two weeks, between site facilitator interviews and retreat and all of that stuff that is going to be insanely awesome but time consuming. Like writing a research paper to possibly get published... I'm still in disbelief about that.
Anyone have any cool ideas for content for a video wall that would interact with the people in the environment around the screen? We want it to be simple and quirky but sort of arty.
When the trees start changing colors, I will go crazy. I want to go home, and see the changing leaves on the hills, and drive the winding Tates Creek Road (possibly in my dad's new Civic?). Maybe going to Curtis Orchard, here, would help, maybe not. Apple donuts wouldn't hurt, that's for sure. But maybe homecoming weekend or the weekend after there will be an excursion to Kentucky, if anyone is interested in tagging along.
Je voudrais faire du escalade, chaque semaine, parce que quand je fais quelque chose active, je me sens meilleure. Grammaire, putain.
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