Geekin' Out

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Clearly, I need more publicity

I have to say this summer I've experienced more food comas than is normal.


The toilet paper in France was pink. Its weird how you remember these things. Clearly, Americans shouldn't market French toilet paper.

The sandwhiches in France were awesome, and pain au chocolate is to die for.

Today, I actually felt like I was on a team, which was pretty sweet. It also helped distract from the fact that some people just now how to push all my buttons. Honestly - how many people have truly seen me angry?

I'm excited for this school year, but a bit nervous to see how it will turn out. Have I taken on too much? Will my head explode?

Its funny how you can be told one thing week two, and another entirely by someone higher up at week 6 that is completely sugar coated.

Do you know that feeling where you spend a really long time working (more specifically, in coding) with things not working, and all of a sudden, it works? After 10 hours of trucking away on something thats maybe.. 2% of the total project, its a great feeling. Small steps are amazing. Leaps and bounds are pretty good too.

It's amazing how quickly we take things for granted, like driving over the water everyday. Its amazing. Or how active I've been this summer. Or just how fortunate I've been in my life and all the crazy things I've experienced. How marketable it seems my skills and personality are. Its funny the times we feel the oldest - for me, there can be something incredibly mature in driving by myself. Reflective, or something.

Heck, in November I was told that if things didnt work out with a certain software company, I could be a model... I can live with that.
I miss fruit chug.


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