Geekin' Out

Friday, November 24, 2006


New glasses, woot. I almost feel like they're too cool for me, too artsy or something.

I'm grateful for a lot of things, this Thanksgiving. New friends (from ASB and life in general). Old friends, especially the ones that you can not see for ages, and then pick right back up where you left off. Home, whether it be Lexington or Urbana or simply "the place where my friends are."

The ability to give back to the community, through ASB or in general. Both financially, mentally, emotionally, and physically. John, at the site, said service is 50% for others and 50% for yourself. Reading Authentic Happiness alluded to the fact that service is a more rewarding experience(in terms of hapiness) than something done solely for pleasure. My education, both in the classroom and outside the classroom. The ability to learn. The opportunity presented to me by the University YMCA and the University of Illinois. 10 great fall and winter trips, and AMAZING site facs. Even more amazing co-chairs. My research group, for changing the way I think and having a lot of fun. For deciding to stay an extra semester and not drive myself crazy with classes. For finally knowing people in my classes, and learning to schedule homework time together and go to office hours. For job opportunities, even if I get turned down or I turn them down.

For the smell of nailguns, piling 10 people in one minivan, the Frist Museum, collages, "screen" printing, peanut butter and jelly, safety goggles, decking, hammers, nails, cut teams, icecream shops, hair straighteners, hours of physical labor, lack of sleep, long sleeved tshirts, and interesting choices of music.


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