So. I left my rolly suitcase at the end of the security line yesterday. So I had to go through security twice. But they still had my bag, so that's good.
There were donuts at work today. And there will be cake later. And then mojitos. So I can't really complain about today. Except that my code is taking forever to get to a point that it compiles, and that's annoying, because something changes almost every week that does not work on my system here. Grar.
It's getting cold. I'm kind of looking forward to "bundle up" weather, but I also need to go shopping for business clothes. Which is kind of exciting and kind of a bummer. And I definitely don't want it to be "winter weather" yet. I rather enjoy the weather that you can wear either a tshirt or a sweatshirt/blazer/etc and be perfectly comfortable. I'm not really looking forward to this project ending - I like my museum project. And, aside from training, I don't know "what's next". But so it goes. It is pretty sweet that projects are so short in duration.
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