Geekin' Out

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Board Games!
Due to a couple of recent conversations, I've been thinking about which board games have come out in the last few years that may have a chance of joining the ranks of games like monopoly, risk, sorry, scrabble, etc.

So far my list is:
Apples to Apples
Catch phrase

It just seems like so many board game companies make board games that are entirely too complicated and take half an hour to even get the basic premise of the game. Simplicity rules when it comes to board game design.


At 11:56 PM, Blogger Marty said...

Dude. How do you miss Settlers of Catan when you make a list like this?

Also, I maintain that Apples to Apples is akin to communism; it seems like a good idea, but it never really pans out how it's supposed to. I mean, have you ever witnessed a round of Apples to Apples that actually involved people trying to provide relevant, accurate responses? I've never seen a game in which players try as hard to subvert the stated purpose of the game.

At 12:14 AM, Blogger Marty said...

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At 12:15 AM, Blogger Marty said...

I guess I should also say that that isn't necessarily a bad thing, people constantly trying to give funny/ironic answers rather than "right" ones, but it isn't really Apples to Apples as the rules describe it. I guess a more appropriate name for what almost invariably gets played is actually Apples to Oranges, which is a fine game -- except when you have people still trying to play Apples to Apples in the middle of it, at which point pandemonium, fire from the sky, dogs living with cats, etc. etc.

At 1:19 AM, Blogger Lauren said...

I guess I should clarify - while Settlers is an AMAZING game (that I received for Christmas, in fact), it, to my knowledge, has not caught on "in the mainstream". Crainium and Apples to Apples have been more established - while not quite household names, they are getting there.


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