Project Runway is a great decision Maker
After watching 5 hours of Project runway last night, I found myself suddenly anxious about the whole job decision thing. So I accepted with Accenture today - I decided not to wait and hear back from Epic. I don't actually want to have to decide between the two. I make a lot of important decisions around seemingly unimportant things. My entire college decision was based around haircuts and trees (ok, not entirely, but that definitely played a factor in narrowing down my choices). It is also strange to realize most people only work their first jobs for 2-3 years, so this decision actually impacts less years than a choice of colleges. Crazy eh?
At any rate, I will be in Chicago next year, for sure.
Would you rather be a whiner or a wino? (Rhino is not an acceptable answer.)
Feudal or Futile?
I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving already. Holy cow. I'm excited to go home for a bit. It will be needed.
I can see trees. But haircuts?
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