Geekin' Out

Monday, November 19, 2007


Do you ever get the feeling that there is something in front of you that's going to be big? Imagine when the ipod was first introduced, and that's kind of what I'm talking about.

Amazon just released the Kindle... which I'm very interested to see how big it gets and how widespread. It sounds like they did some decent usability studies. I could see this being kind of a big deal. I would say books rank pretty highly on the list of "things almost everyone in the Western/Northern world has used" where it could be pretty hard to get people to change their habits. And especially with the price tag ($400) its going to take a while for it to spread. I want to play (but not $400 want to play). Interesting how fast technology comes out now - Apple Iphone, Kindle, and Wii all in one year... one step closer to some flavor of ubiquitous computing.

is cool. I'm definitely interested in this idea of open source learning and how teaching methods are changing (or not) based on the rate technology is changing. "We believe education is a social activity" - Lets just say I agree with that.

Also, this sounds like a pretty sweet lifestyle.

. I need to stop reading DIGG at work.

Also, I've been filling out this scholarship app for the last few days - I've never had to pair my resume with a list of "non-required classes". Its really quite terrifying and a little bit sickening.


At 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So it's like the ipod...except it's not music, it's reading? I'm down. Except I like to highlight.


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