Geekin' Out

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Google Reader

So, I just signed up for Google Reader. Because... well I was resisting doing the whole RSS feed thing. Because honestly, I -like- spending the time going to each site and checking to see if there's anything new. So far, I'm really enjoying Google Reader. Kind of nice not to go to each website. Its kind of like how a lot of grocery stores are now owning gas stations - cluster the things you do together and save on driving. Well, duh. They even have a cafe in Schnucks now - wild, right?
I still refuse to forward my UIUC email address to Gmail. Which irritates me that UIUC can't do some of the stuff gmail does, but I like the... well its not a physical separation, exactly, but I like that they are two different accounts for two purposes.



At 2:11 PM, Blogger Marty said...

It always is a little weird to see media describe us as such a tech-savvy generation knowing that everyone has their hangups like this. Reports always seem to imply that everyone under 25 has a Facebook and/or a MySpace page, a blog, a program to organize our music, a few P2P clients, a personal suite of programs to deal with malware, an RSS utility, and so on and so forth.

It's especially strange for me because I feel like I'm pretty competent with tech, but barely ever use any of these organizers. Even using Outlook for the summer took a bit of getting used to, and it works beautifully.

And on a semi-related note, I enjoy the fact that VCRs became obsolete before the majority of users learned how to program the clocks on them.


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