It's been too long
Hi blog. It's been too long. I apologize for that. Like a year and a half.
Well, we're going to change that.
1) I'm sitting here at Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, and there are a lot of things going through my head that need to be blogged about. I've got a lot of thoughts bouncing around about diversity and what not that need to be blogged... just not right now, between sessions.
2) I'm changing jobs, so new adventure seems like a good time to start blogging. New things I need to get involved with outside of work as well as work adventures (that tie in to women in Technology) that will probably also need to be blogged about.
So expect some uptake here. :)
Labels: Non profit, Starting Over, Women in Technology
There's at least one person who will be watching. >.>
Also, shots.
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