Geekin' Out

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Somehow my suit bag (complete with suits and dresses) ended up in Decatur. With a guy who works for FedEx. Or rather, the movers unloaded it off the truck with him when he moved. But working for FedEx is convenient.

Everytime I start to unpack or go buy groceries, I get distracted by things. Like email. Or phone calls about my suit bag. Or mapping things on google maps that I've been to. I think I'm going to keep track of the restaurants I've been to this way. So you can check out my map here, if you're interested. Yay Chicago!

Grocery Run Attempt 1: Bust. Dominicks is non existent where google maps says it is.
Google maps, you are a cruel, cruel mistress. So great so much of the time, and so wrong in the worst times.
Acquiring Bamboo Attempt 1: Bust. Again because Google maps is a liar, even the street view. I think Anne Sather's ate it - I'd be mad if the cinnamon rolls weren't so delicious.

That's another thing I want to start up while I'm here: weekly Sunday brunches. Ann Sathers. Dim sum. So many places around here do brunch and I freaking love brunch!

Also, this information visualization is really cool : voting Clinton/Obama

I can't stop giggling at this shirt from Threadless:


At 12:40 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Cool idea with the Google Maps restaurant guide. Looks like a few good ideas for the next time I end up downtown...

You get any of the mandatory touristy stuff out of the way? Field? MSI? Shedd?


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