Geekin' Out

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The government confuses me

I expect to be knee deep in research about MRSA and Legislation between now and Wednesday, when I have to have 5-6 single spaced research pages typed up, properly cited, and turned in. Needless to say, I'm EXTREMELY confused.

At any rate, I'm fascinated by this: provides RSS feeds to track changes on Bills. I think this is very cool. Hooray technology.

It's also amazing what a tiny, tiny bit of legal information does for you. It makes a LOT of news articles make sense - or at least to know when to look more information up to find out what REALLY happened. I wonder how many reporters take a one semester equivalent law class. It seems like it would be crucial to understand ANYTHING they are reporting on - but then again, this is America, and I think I may be setting my hopes too high on that one. Clueless reporter gets information slightly twisted about a fairly straighforward legal matter - America goes wild with misinformation, because even though information is readily available, most people don't go looking for it.


At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.


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