Geekin' Out

Sunday, July 29, 2007

So. Hi there.

I read all of Harry Potter in under 24 hours... not that unusual.
Funny how last weekend we talked about breaking the rules just to go get Harry Potter. Not to drink, or visit friends or anything - we could do that whenever.
So this was the first time I had a chance to go get the book - I'd been working for 12 days straight, though to be fair, they were a very fun ten days.

I went from being 90% sure I wanted to do TFA to 75% sure I want to work for Accenture Tech Labs. This MAY have something to do with being out with my Career Councelor, Buddy, Project Manager, and some of the other higher ups in ATL until 1:30 am on Thursday. And having crazy schemes to live with some of the other interns, get a cat, and camp on the weekends. I spent a while talking to the head of techlabs in India - who happens to be an American woman - about what she originally planned to do with her life and how she got where she is now and the opportunities she's had. Its... good... to hear that having the options I have there is no "wrong" choice. But that is interesting, isn't it?

I spent a while talking to a UofI alumn in the techlabs - there are a bunch of them - about how to graduate as quickly as possibly, or whether or not its a good idea. Campus this next year should be interesting. I also spent a long time talking to the

I apparently am drawn to guys named Andrew, as evidenced by my two friends named Andrew meeting each other on Saturday and getting a text message from a different Andrew later that night.

I saw WICKED - front row center, for $25. ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE.

I got back from France just over 2 years ago - it feels like a lot longer.


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