Geekin' Out

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Personality Pig

My first day of work was today. And I've decided I have to work for a company that I approve of their business practices and such, which means I need to research business practices. In 2004 KC started providing coverage for domestic partners, both opposite sex and same sex. Diversity, woohoo! KC is BIG on safety for their employees too, which is awesome.

I've got basically four projects that I will be working on for this summer - one that should take 3 days, a short project, a long project, and a fourth to work on if I'm waiting on other people or get done with other stuff earlier. I'll be learning VB this summer, so that should be interesting, and I'll get to work on some web development/client involved stuff. Exciting.

There's rock climbing nearby, and people to go climbing with, I think. People seem willing to travel, and I've got a mini van. Go go getaway car. Supposedly there's some sort of festival every week or weekend, two farmers markets in the area, and white water rafting less than an hour away. Exciting!

Welcome to the world of ITS (Information Technology Services)... 20 interns, I'm one of two girls.


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